
Showing posts from 2018


I love The Sound of Music.  All of it.  Every lilt in every measure of every song, every line, every shrill shriek from Captain Von Trapp's whistle, every stomp of seven children, every twinkle in Maria's eye, every single nuanced and not-nuanced thing.  Though I don't identify as super-religious in practice, I do appreciate and respect a good religious quote or thought.  And nearing the third, some would say less than perfect hour of The Sound of Music, as Maria is comforting Leisl over her romantic woes (could've seen that coming, Liesl...), we hear a great one:  "When the Lord closes a door, he always opens a window."  So simple, and precisely what she needed to hear.  And you gotta believe her because...Maria.  I've always been a "be thankful for the experience" gal, rather than a shut the door completely one.  I save finality for the extreme seriousness, like, er, death.  And I'm a relatively serious person, usually.  But I think o