
"Well, I declare!"

July 26th marks one year since learning I had cancer.  I only knowingly had it for about eight weeks, and it was taken care of swiftly and expertly.  After surgery, I  was and still am completely fine.  It happened.  It’s over.   I’ve been mentally aware of the anniversary coming and have gotten out ahead of it with rational, reality-based mantras to remind me that I’m okay and that even when I wasn’t, things eventually turned out to be okay thanks to medical science, a grand support system, and old fashioned good juju.  Despite all that, my neck went rogue for a few days, completely seizing up with a vigor previously unseen.   “Your poor neck is stuck.  Your hippy friend says to send it love.”  Michelle always has things like this to say.   I’ve had issues with my neck since a 1996 car accident, but this particular seize was in a different spot and had an intensity that could only be described as a stress response.  It was so stiff, a warning sign through bars.  I acknowledged it and

Milagro Moment(s)

 About a year ago, I bought a prayer pocket necklace from the company Natural Life.  I’m typically drawn to Natural Life’s ads because of their bright colors and happy vibe.  I’d never had a prayer necklace before, or really a prayer-anything-object, but it struck me as something whimsical to have.   It’s a longer necklace with a simple chain.  Hanging at the bottom, at heart level, is a brightly colored beaded pocket with a flowery mandala design.  Accompanying the necklace are little metal trinkets, symbolizing things you might pray over, like health, family, goals, courage, success, love, faith, home, children, and travel.  Maximizer-me was lured by the autonomy of the thing.   I did what I always do when I purchase something that I’m excited about using, that has any hint of perceived magic to it, or that requires a bit more special thought behind it - I deemed it Important Thing I Own Only To Be Used Carefully and Deliberately.  I wore it exactly twice in the calendar year of 2022

Eight Days in Angie's NYC

This whole surgery thing came with a few fringe benefits, and I'm proud to say that I took advantage of them in a huge way.  If I can get the stars aligned such that I am:  - one, off work for more than a second - two, feeling what felt miraculously fine when compared to how I anticipated feeling;  - and three, have this dream of a support system at home that knows a trip (or two, as it turned out) to NYC would be the obvious answer to any troubles real or imagined, then I'd be onto something.   And onto something I was.  So here is the extraordinarily spectacular experience, captioned and detailed, with gratitude.  The first completely solo trip was from October 10th through the 13th.  The second trip, with my sister-in-law, was from October 22nd through the 25th.  These are just details that don't matter unless you're a calendar person and deem things in your personal life as sacred - a silly thing my brain does from time to time or maybe always but you need not fixat